Varicose Veins

Running and Varicose Veins: Is it safe?


Patients getting varicose veins treatment in Thane are often advised to exercise regularly by the specialists. But, for those who endure varicose veins, exercising can often be intimidating. Patients often wonder: are the body movements and increased heart rate profitable for the veins or do they make it worse? Especially when it’s about the effect of running over varicose veins: is it safe to do, or is running one of the causes of the development of varicose veins? While running has not been noted to cause the growth of varicose veins, there are some studies that convey it may, in some cases, worsen existing veins.

Relationship between running and varicose veins

Sometimes symptoms of varicose veins may feel temporarily getting worse while running, but the benefits you earn for your heart health and overall fitness are much greater. In fact, running can strengthen your calves, acting as a natural pump that brings back blood up to the heart.

Therefore, running regularly not only improves the health of your heart but also can reduce the risk of developing varicose veins. Maintaining a healthy heart is so vital that physicians advise you to engage in physical exercise on a regular basis like running, cycling, and swimming, even if you suffer from varicose veins.

Things to keep in mind while running with varicose veins

While it is excellent news that running is profitable regardless of having varicose veins, it is still critical to make sure you are working out in a proper way to get most of the benefits from your run alongside taking care of your body. Here are some facts that you must consider before starting your workout routine :

  • Surfaces: The surface you choose to run on can have a long-term impact on several parts of your body. As much as possible, try not to run on hard grounds like concrete, instead use softer grounds such as grass, running tracks etc. The shock to your body as well as pressure on your joints due to hard surfaces can result in joint pain and cause arthritis in the future.
  • Timing: Whether you walk or run, the benefit is concentrated on how long you are doing it, not on how fast you are going. Maintaining a regular velocity for a minimum of twenty minutes can engage the cardiac system, improving your fitness. While it is enticing to go hard on yourself and see how fast you can move, it can harm you. You should start at a manageable speed, and over time, work your way up.
  • Compression: Those with existing varicose veins, in some cases, running can aggravate the symptoms and inflict discomfort. This can be managed with compression. Use compression stockings after workout for recovery, wear compression socks while you run, or wear it as a day to day clothing to effectively relieve the varicose veins symptoms.


Regular exercising and running is a wonderful way to look after your heart health and boost the flow of blood through your muscles. But if the symptoms are progressing, one must enroll for varicose veins treatment in Dombivil, Mumbai, for proper treatment.

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