If you are suffering from varicose veins, getting treatment should be on the top of your list. Vein diseases not only create hideous abnormalities in the physical appearance of the skin but also become quite a burden to the individual suffering from it and may even lead to health problems involving the heart if not given much attention. Today you may be able to avoid getting a traditional vein stripping surgery because of the many advanced procedures for varicose vein treatment.
You will find that many vein doctors, still find it necessary to employ traditional vein surgery as a method for varicose vein treatment. To treat more severe forms of vein disease, procedures like surgical ligation and stripping that takes away the varicose veins by sealing it shut and removing it completely from the surface of the skin are used. Since these veins only collect blood from the skin the circulation inside the body is not affected in any way.
Ambulatory phlebotomy, another procedure for more severe vein disease, on the other hand, surgically removes large veins from the skin from pulling it by surgical hooks. It generally requires only local and aesthesia in an outpatient environment, wherein the patient can return to normal activity a day after the procedure is done. Endoscopic vein surgery is another invasive varicose vein treatment where small incisions are made just above the swollen veins and small video cameras are inserted to view the inside of these veins which are eventually taken off the skin.
For less severe types of vein diseases, you can get spider vein treatment in Mumbai where many of the top vein doctors are located. These renowned physicians offer advanced treatment options that make use of random incisions to take away the bulging problem or it can be of special solutions injected to shrink off the veins.
Also, you can find much more advanced technology like laser therapy and radiofrequency methods. These cutting edge procedures present certain complications that doctors and patients should discuss before undergoing anything. The medical history of the patient should be addressed first to be able to consider underlying conditions that may affect the result of the treatment.
Here is a quick recap of some of the more advanced medical procedures for treating varicose veins. Sclerotherapy is the most popular method among spider vein treatment doctors. It is a non-invasive advanced surgical procedure. The procedure is performed by injecting a solution of special formula into the skin in order to enlarge the veins further and to make it stick together and to stop the blood from flowing within.
This eventually will cause shrinking of the veins to make it go away. Laser surgery, another advanced technique in the treatment of varicose vein diseases, gets rid of the nasty veins by a burst of powerful light to make the varicose veins fade and disappear from the skin. In much the same way, the endovenous technique uses the technology of laser and radiofrequency as varicose vein treatment by way of a tube inserted into the skin to shrivel the veins into nothing.
Invasive treatments pose the risk of infection in individuals who undergoes these types of methods since the varicose veins are most commonly removed inside the clinics and as an outpatient procedure. The more advanced non-invasive methods meanwhile, creates a scar that could last for weeks and months before finally disappearing.