Venous ulcer, also called stasis ulcer, is the most common type of ulceration that occurs on the legs and feet, normally located just above the ankle, usually on the inner aspect of the leg. Approximately 70-80% of leg ulcers are venous ulcers. Venous ulcers are usually recurrent and slow to heal.
In fact, an open venous ulcer can continue for a few weeks to several years. The most common risk factors for non-healing of venous ulcer apart from underlying varicose veins include ageing, obesity and overweight, pre-existing leg injuries, deep venous thrombosis (blood clots) and phlebitis (inflammation of the vein wall).
Severe complications can develop if ulcers are not treated in a timely manner. These consequences can include cellulitis (infection of the skin), osteomyelitis (infection of the bones) and unpleasant skin changes such as dermatitis, skin thickening and permanent discoloration of the skin.

Conservative Treatment
Conservative Treatment options for venous ulcers include leg elevation, compression therapy, four layer dressings and therapeutic medications.
Minimally Invasive Treatment
Minimally Invasive Treatment in form of endovenous laser may be recommended for ulcers that are large, slow healing or do not respond to conservative measures.
These Treatments Have Been Shown To Reduce Healing Time By As Much As 50% And Reduce The Likelihood Of Recurrence